March 15, 2011 § Leave a comment

I am an Addiction / Recovery Specialist in private practice. I have over 20 years experience working with all manner of addictions and addicts and alcoholics, in and out of  the treatment environment. At the same time highly educated and ex-alcoholic/junkie. At the same time Midwestern gravitas and coastal sophistication. I have  an advanced degree in Clinical Psychology, as well as graduate training in philosophy and divinity and undergraduate degrees in Architecture, Fine Arts and Literature.

  • I specialize in individual counseling for pre-recovery individuals who are especially resistant to any kind of group treatment.
  • I offer individual counseling in addiction assessment, to help diagnose addiction and facilitate transition to the proper treatment environment.
  • I offer individual counseling for early stage recovery, 0-5 years, combining recovery and psychoanalytic principles for the smoothest possible transition into a sober life.
  • I specialize in group facilitation treating boundary and identity and intimacy issues using the first 5 of the 12 steps as a model. On this subject I have designed and created a 5 session curriculum to inpatient environments as well as an “in-service” for treatment teams.
  • I specialize in group facilitation translating the conference approved AA literature, through humor and history, to bring this material to life and relevance for the early stage recovering person.

Please email me to schedule a session or ask more about the services I offer.

I have commonly done session by skype, facebook messaging, texting, email (not so effective). really any realtime method is fine.

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